Import / Export Statistics

import-export-statistics ablcc

Ranking of Arab countries according to their imports from Belgium (2012-14) / (1000 €)

  2012 2013 2014 Var. (%) 2013/2014
01 United Arab Emirates 2.406.163,5 3.244.897,14 3.600.096,05 + 10.9
02 Saudi Arabia 1.519.647,8 1.826.806,83 1.693.798,05 - 7.3
03 Egypt 1.330.765,3 1.262.589,63 1.166.081,35 - 7.6
04 Algeria 1.073.977,4 1.075.705,08 1.163.154,31 + 8.1
05 Morocco 825.979,9 803.068,82 819.635,92 + 2.1
06 Tunisia 408.105,9 370.096,95 329.363,32 - 11
07 Lebanon 307.826,3 378.001,98 381.012,61 + 0.8
08 Sultanate of Oman 288.185,0 187.872,19 145.550,82 - 22.5
09 Libya 245.353,4 230.542,64 175.905,83 - 23.7
10 Yemen 218.927,5 414.591,75 200.198,47 -51.7
11 Jordan 185.270,3 196.085,05 324.915,16 +65.7
12 Kuwait 184.523,3 164.268,81 149077,84 - 9.2
13 Iraq 171.047,6 224.724,46 217.241,73 - 3.3
14 Qatar 170.249,9 158.026,9 207.611,15 + 31.4
15 Mauritania 131.078,2 128.126,34 101.343,19 -20.9
16 Syria 95.242,3 50.684,48 42.599,54 - 16.9
17 Bahrain 60.688,2 65.606,72 74.030,38 +12.8
18 Sudan 54.548,8 51.707,98 43.253,24 - 16.4
19 Djibouti 17.049,0 15.666,51 18.394,35 + 17.4
20 Comoros 4.796,8 2.718,42 2.449,09 - 9.9
21 Palestine 4.109,4 2.221,08 5.699,81 + 156.6
22 Somalia 3.004,0 1094,86 1000,25 - 8.6
TOTAL 9.703.276,2 10.855.104,6 10.862.412,5 + 0.1


Ranking of Arab countries according to their exports to Belgium (2012-14) / (1000 €)

  2012 2013 2014 Var. (%) 2013/2014
01 United Arab Emirates 2.458.547,9 2.434.988,44 2428444,46 - 0.3
02 Algeria 1.935,641,7 1.555.566,59 1.545.253,29 - 0.7
03 Saudi Arabia 1.282.665,5 1.487.814,16 1.472.641,41 - 1.0
04 Qatar 1.199.288,7 1.291.073,99 965.390,6 - 25.2
05 Morocco 636.919,9 766.700,73 610.224,83 - 20.4
06 Tunisia 378.687,6 307.108,19 292.650,93 - 4.7
07 Egypt 295.916,8 302.278,4 236.601,11 - 21.7
08 Bahrain 238.014,7 193.821,19 88.730,06 - 54.2
09 Kuwait 104.943,2 147.506,4 109.304,25 - 25.9
10 Lebanon 92.446,3 56.932,18 35.664,53 - 37.4
11 Sultanate of Oman 68.156,3 84.683,71 59.460,17 - 29.8
12 Libya 54.146,8 44.224,98 11.413,33 - 74.2
13 Yemen 33.324,7 52.500,22 2.367,36 - 95.5
14 Mauritania 33.014,0 769,67 1.808,88 + 135
15 Jordan 14.192,2 20.795,29 24.946,97 + 20.1
16 Syria 8.066,2 3.940,72 2.015,5 - 48.9
17 Palestine 7.340,8 5.166,27 4.086,5 - 20.9
18 Sudan 5.459,4 3502,62 3715,91 + 6.1
19 Iraq 348,3 347,09 5.962,07 + 1617.7
20 Djibouti 31,0 220,7 357,98 + 62.2
21 Somalia 0,3 0,4 0,1 - 63.9
22 Comoros 0,0 78,6 15,0 -63,9
TOTAL 8.847.152,25 8.760.020,5 7.901.055,3 -10.9