Arab-Belgian Diplomatic Business Lunch


IMG 20190130 WA0001

Your Excellencies, we are fully aware of the large number of engagements that occupy your agendas and we deeply appreciate the importance you accord to the Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its members by your presence here today”.
Qaisar Hijazin, Secretary General of the ABLCC

It has now been 10 years since the first edition of the now renowned « Arab-Belgian Diplomatic Business meeting » organized by the Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, in close relation with the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Linklaters, on Tuesday 29 January 2019.

On the strength of its increasingly wide reputation, this highly prized event gathered more than 140 participants with top-level personalities!

The ABLCC had the honour to welcome HE Riad SALAME, Gouvernor of the Banque du Liban and HE Raoul DELCORDE, Ambassador and Director Middle-East North Africa, FPS Foreign Affairs, as guest speakers.

HE Raoul Delcorde gave us a comprehensive and up-to-date overview about matters of greatest importance for Belgium in the Middle East and North Africa.

HE Riad Salame expended on the situation in the MENA region and the challenges faced by lebanon in this context.

Among the prestigious personalities were also: HE Cecile Jodogne, State Secretary of the Brussels-Capital Region, in charge of Foreign Trade, and HE Raed Charafeddine, first Vice-Governor of the Banque du Liban.

The ABLCC was also particularly delighted to welcome 24 Arab and Belgian Ambassadors.

On the Belgian side we welcomed:

On the Arab side we welcomed:

Through this gathering, the ABLCC aims at shedding light on the importance of Arab-Belgian relations whilst contributing accurate and up-to-date information on the various developments in the Arab-world thanks to the expertise and unique insight of their distinguished guests.

The walking lunch format - for which the ABLCC opted - presented a good opportunity for the participants to discuss in person with BELGIAN and ARAB AMBASSADORS, to develop business relations, and to lay the foundation for future collaboration.

As usual, this was a successful event and we are looking forward to the next edition!